Brand Style Guide

Brand Style Project 

Guidelines I was given to design a Brand Style Guide:

1. Your Small Business: Create small business, determine your audience/target market

2. Brand Attributes: The first page of your style guide needs to revolve around the identity of your brand. In no more than half a page, describe what your brand conveys to your target audience.

3. Visual Identity: 

a. Color 

• Select your brand colors. You should have one dominant color and at least one subordinate color. When selecting the dominant color, choose a color that will capture the essence of your brand and the attention of your audience. Your dominant color will be in the foreground of images, whereas your subordinate color(s) will be in the background. Therefore, while subordinate color(s) should still be linked to the brand’s identity, they can be more muted than the dominant color.

• Explain in one to two paragraphs why you have selected each color to reflect your brand identity and why you chose one color as more dominant than the other(s).

b. Typefaces/Fonts 

• Choose two typefaces. One typeface should be the primary one that is used for headlines. The secondary typeface is for body copy. Remember that your typefaces need to give off a vibe that is reflective of the brand, particularly the primary typeface. Your typefaces should also be easy to read, especially the secondary ones.

c. Logo

• Create a logo, distinctive in color and clarity, and explain how it connects to your brand in a concise paragraph. 

4. Images/Photography 

Find five images or photos that exemplify what your brand is about and what it offers its target market. You may use your own photos or images or you may utilize ones you find online.

Make a short note, about three sentences long, under each image or photo explaining why you have selected it. Ensure that you are choosing images or photos that are appropriate for your audience.